Attaching Handy Functionality

Since the ArrayList is all encapsulated in a class with methods attached to it, we have an excellent chance to build other convenient functionality on our lists beyond what's specified in the List ADT.

Exercise: Build Copy Function

Write a new method in the List class called copy that creates a new instance of an List and returns it filled with the contents of the original list.

The copy method will be useful if you ever need to copy a list and manipulate it without making changes to the original list.

Check your solution here

Exercise: Reversing a list

Write a new method on the List class called reverse that reverses the list in place.

Careful! Make sure you don't overwrite things and lose data while you're reversing things!

Check your solution here

Exercise: Write an equals Method

Write a new method on the List class called equals that accepts another list called other as a parameter and returns true if the two lists contain elements in the same order, otherwise it returns false.

Check your final solution here! This includes many tests to run to prove it works - always create tests!

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