Lists recap

  • There's a difference between Arrays and Lists
  • Arrays have a fixed size and only have read and write operations.
  • Lists use an array internally that the user doesn't see.
  • Programmers using Lists perceive that Lists grow and shrink.
  • Lists include code that rearranges their elements as items are added and removed so no gaps are left in the internal array.
  • The List ADT is an abstract idea of what a List should do.
  • Different programming languages have different actual implementations of a List. You can compare their implementations against the List ADT specifiction to see how the implementation compares and differs.
  • Abstract Data Structures allows programmers to discuss programming ideas independently of programming languages. JavaScript developers should be able to talk to Ruby, Python, C, C++, C# and Java developers and everyone should understand what a List generally is, even though all of the languages may implement their Lists slightly differently.

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