Intro to Angular


  • Understand the purpose and reasoning for using Angular as a frontend framework
  • Create an Angular app as a self-container module
  • Bootstrap an Angular module to a HTML page
  • Utilize and load controllers
  • Implement two-way data binding using data attached to a controller's $scope

Your Guide to AngularJS

Angular over time
Figure: Angular over time

Angular documentation

Angular Intro

Angular is an open source JS framework maintained by Google. It was created nearly 6 years ago - its longevity is a testament to its capability and usefulness. AngularJS is one of the most widely adopted MVC JS frameworks in use today and is a valuable job skill to put on your resume.

AngularJS provides the following benefits when used to develop web apps:

  • Enables us to organize and structure single page apps using the popular MVC design pattern
  • Makes us more productive when developing web apps because it provides features, such as data binding, that requires less code from the developer
  • Provides methods to inject dependencies, which make testing easier

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