Global Components

Provides organization and encapsulation Reusable code and can be seperated into .vue files

the html tag <my-component> is requiring the template: to render the component.

It's very reminiscent of how ejs-layouts renders the partials through layout.ejs into the DOM.

<div id="app">
// first param is the compnent you want to use
// second param is the object
Vue.component('my-component', {
  template: '<p>{{ welcomeMsg }}</p>'

data in this instance would not work because we are overriding the global data in the Vue instance, we would require data to be function and return your objects:

// first param is the compnent you want to use
// second param is the object
Vue.component('my-component', {
  // wrong syntax
  data: {
    welcomeMsg: 'hello
  template: '<p>{{ welcomeMsg }}</p>'

Below is an example of how to return an object from the data: function()

these are considered global components. So how do we split them out into various other components?

Vue.component('my-component', {
  // wrong syntax
  data: function() {
    return {
      welcomeMsg: 'hello
  template: '<p>{{ welcomeMsg }}</p>'

Local components

Here is an example of local components and how to apply them.

refer to github repo for the starter code

Now we have 2 vue instances (#app, #app2)

    <div id="app">
      <p>I am app 1</p>
    <div id="app2">
    <!--app2 has no reference to the local component of let = comp thus it would throw an error-->
      <p>I am app 2</p>

#app has the component : let comp = { object }

that is referenced in the new Vue({ el: '#app' })

'my-component' is referenced in the html as <my-component> above

comp is the component we are rendering through with the template: '<p>....</p>' defined in let comp = {... template: '<p>..</p>'}

    let comp = {
      data: function() {
        return {
          greeting: 'Welcome to your Vue.js app!'
      template: '<p>this is the greeting:  {{ greeting }}</p>'
    new Vue({
      el: '#app',
      components : { 'my-component' : comp  }
    new Vue({
      el: '#app2'


Some references

results matching ""

    No results matching ""