Kitchen Sink

Write a function that takes a variable and using the typeof opertor console logs different messages. If it is a:

  • string: it should just console log it
  • number: it should square it and console log the result
  • boolean: it should console log either 'yes' or 'no'
  • function: it should invoke the function()
  • undefined: it should scold the user of the function for passing in bad data


If it is an array or object, javascript will return it's type as object, you can use the isArray Method to check if it is an array and complete the following extensions:

  • array: loop through each element and console log it
  • object: loop through each key and console log the value there
  • null: is also technically an object so you can work out how to check for that

Super Bonus

In the above where you are given an array/object, rather than console log the result, call the kitchenSink function again with each element in the array passed in as an arguement - this is called Recursion btw, it's considered pretty advanced stuff :-)

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