Project Guidelines

Getting Started & Submission

  • To start, fork the starter-repository mentioned in your course Github Repo.
  • Commit your code to your forked repo and insure you update the file - remember to include a link to your hosted application, e.g. Github Pages or Heroku.
  • To submit, make a pull-request to the Project Repo, this will notify the instructional team that your Repo is up-to date.


On the final day of each project week, each student will be required to present their work to the group. Guidelines are given below, please follow.


  • Presentations are 10 mins: 5 minutes formal presentation and 5 minutes feedback/Q&A. Group presentations will have 15 minutes for formal presentation.
  • Order of presentations will be written on the board at at 9am - the first presentation will begin promptly at 9:30am.
  • Questions should be saved until after the presentation.


  • The student/group before the current presenter should give one bit of GLOW feedback (i.e. One great thing about the project)
  • The student/group after the current presenter should give one bit of GROW feedback (i.e. A possible improvement to the project)

Presentation Components

You should include the following in your presentation:

Project Workflow

Walk us through how you approached the problem and what tools you used in development. You will be evaluated based upon your use of the taught workflow: user stories, wireframes, task tracking (e.g. Trello) and Source Control using git.


Live Demonstration of your project, showing us how it works. You will be evaluated on meeting the technical requirements of the project as defined in the brief, as well as creativity.

Code Walkthrough

You will walk through your code and describe the logical flow of your project. You will be evaluated based on the quality of code and your ability to describe/defend the approach you have taken.

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