refer to jQuery AJAX guide instead


  • Review RESTful routing
  • Use AJAX to implement PUT and DELETE routes

Representational State Transfer (REST) is a software architecture style consisting of guidelines and best practices for creating scalable web services. REST is a coordinated set of constraints applied to the design of components in a distributed hypermedia system that can lead to a more performant and maintainable architecture.

Source: wikipedia

RESTful routing example

Imagine we have an app that stores teams signing up for a hackathon. We would create a model called team which would represent a single team with their name and their members. The data would be stored in a table called teams (where we store many teams). The routes would also be the plural "teams".

Verb Path Action Used for
GET /teams index display a list of all teams
GET /teams/new new return an HTML form for creating a new team
POST /teams create create a new team (using form data from /teams/new)
GET /teams/:name show display a specific team
GET /teams/:name/edit edit return an HTML form for editing a team
PUT /teams/:name update update a specific team (using form data from /teams/:name/edit)
DELETE /teams/:name destroy deletes a specific team

If you are storing something beside teams you'll use this same pattern. It could be users, photos, books, etc.

Previously, we implemented the first four routes. Also, we can find a way to implement the route GET /teams/:name/edit. But what about DELETE and PUT? Forms don't support these methods, so we'll need to use AJAX.


Delete should be used to delete an existing item. A delete request contains no payload (req.body) and no query string (req.query). The only data is expressed via a URL parameter which matches the item's name (

There is no way to initiate a DELETE action unless we use AJAX. So let's try it out.


<a href="/teams/Edward" class="delete-link">Delete team Edward</a>

Without JavaScript, this would link to GET /teams/Edward which would simply display the team at that route. However, we can use JavaScript to override the default behavior and send the request with the DELETE verb.

jQuery / JavaScript

$('.delete-link').on ('click', function (e) {
  let teamElement = $(this);
  let teamUrl = teamElement.attr('href');
    method: 'DELETE',
    url: teamUrl
  }).done(function (data) {
    // get data returned from the DELETE route

    // do stuff when the DELETE action is complete

    // or, you can redirect to another page
    window.location = '/teams';


app.delete('/teams/:name', function (req, res) {
  let teamToDelete =;

  // delete team here

   * instead of rendering a page, send back JSON or text, which can be read
   * in the .done() promise of the AJAX call
  res.send({ message: 'success' });


Put should be used to update an existing item. We'll need an example where there's a route for editing the team. Here's an example.

EJS for /teams/Edward/edit

<form action="/teams/5" id="put-form">
  <label for="teamName">Team Name</label>
  <input type="text" name="name" value="<%= %>">

  <label for="teamMembers">Team Members</label>
  <input type="text" name="members" value="<%= team.members %>">

  <input type="submit" value="Update a team">

Without JavaScript this form would submit as a GET request which means it would just go to the page that displays the team with the id of 5. Now we need to override this default behavior to initiate a PUT via AJAX.

jQuery / JavaScript

$('.put-form').on ('submit', function (e) {
  let teamElement = $(this);
  let teamUrl = teamElement.attr('action');
  let teamData = teamElement.serialize();
    method: 'PUT',
    url: teamUrl,
    data: teamData
  }).done(function (data) {
    // get data returned from the PUT route

    // do stuff when the PUT action is complete

    // or, you can redirect to another page
    window.location = '/teams';


app.put('/teams/:name', function (req, res) {
  let teamToEdit =;

  // Edit team here

   * instead of rendering a page, send back JSON or text, which can be read
   * in the .done() promise of the AJAX call
  res.send({message: 'success'});

Here's an example repository.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""